Archspire — Relentless Mutation (2017)
Band: Archspire
Album: Relentless Mutation
Year: 2017
Genre: Technical Death Metal
Country: Canada (Vancouver, British Columbia)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Season Of Mist
Web Page: FB | BC
1. Involuntary Doppelganger
2. Human Murmuration
3. Remote Tumour Seeker
4. Relentless Mutation
5. The Mimic Well
6. Calamus Will Animate
7. A Dark Horizontal
0_0, wow men, thanks alot for this. You are the best.
Man, you don’t have an idea what this mean to my and my friends, we can’t be more happy
Thanks a lot man, an excellent band, without a doubt. After few plays to this album, I’ll buy it.
sick brutha rock on