
Once Them Edens — The Year Is One (2013)

Once Them Edens — The Year Is One (2013)Band: Once Them Edens
Album: The Year Is One
Year: 2013
Genre: Experimental Death Metal | Avant-Garde Death Metal | Progressive Death Metal
Country: Greece (Athens)
 Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Self-Released
 Web Page: FB | BC


1. All Flawed
2. On Par With I
3. Penance Concrete
4. …And Yet, He Gazes
5. The Gospel Grotesque
6. All Shed
7. Postlude In B Minor, Op.8, Allegro Moderato 



Portal — Vexovoid (2013)

Portal - Vexovoid (2013)

Band: Portal
Album: Vexovoid
Year: 2013
Genre: Technical Death Metal | Avant-garde Death Metal
Country: Australia (Brisbane, Queensland)
Bitrate: 320 kbps
Label: Profound Lore Records


1. Kilter
2. The Back Wards
3. Curtain
4. Plasm
5. Awryeon
6. Orbmorphia
7. Oblotten



Dysrhythmia — Test Of Submission (2012)

Dysrhythmia — Test Of Submission (2012)

Band: Dysrhythmia
Album: Test Of Submission
Year: 2012
Genre: Avant-garde Metal | Progressive Metal | Instrumental Metal
Country: United States (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
 Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Profound Lore Records
 Web Page: FB


1. In Secrecy
2. Test of Submission
3. The Line Always Snaps
4. Running Towards the End
5. In the Spirit of Catastrophe
6. The Madness of Three
7. Like Chameleons
8. In Consequence 


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The Levitation Hex — The Levitation Hex (2012)

The Levitation Hex — The Levitation Hex (2012)

Band: The Levitation Hex
Album: The Levitation Hex
Year: 2012
Genre: Progressive Death Metal | Avant-garde Death Metal
Country: Australia (Canberra, Australian Capital Territory)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Self-Released
Web Page: FB | BC


1. The Longest Path Possible
2. Manipuliar
3. Scratch A Life And Find A Thief
4. Depressedemic
5. Internal Chatter
6. A Breathing Aparatus
7. Breaking Point
8. Flirting With Schizophrenia
9. Dream Defecit 



Gigan — Quasi-Hallucinogenic Sonic Landscapes (2011)

Gigan - Quasi-Hallucinogenic Sonic Landscapes (2011)

Band: Gigan
Album: Quasi-Hallucinogenic Sonic Landscapes
Year: 2011
Genre: Technical Death Metal | Avant-garde Death Metal
Country: United States (Chicago, Illinois)
Bitrate: 320 kbps
Label: Willowtip Records


1. Mountains Perched Like Beasts Awaiting The Attack
2. Suspended In Cubes Of Torment
3. The Raven And The Crow
4. In The Tentacled Grasp Of A Buried Behemoth
5. Transmogrification Into Bio-Luminoid
6. Skeletons Of Steel, Timber And Blackened Granite
7. Vespelmadeen Terror
8. Fathomless Echoes Of Eternity’s Imagination


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Psudoku — Space Grind (2011)

Psudoku — Space Grind (2011)

Band: Psudoku
Album: Space Grind
Year: 2011
Genre: Technical Grindcore | Avantgarde Death Metal | Experimental Death Metal | Jazz Fusion Metal
Country: Norway
 Format | Quality: mp3 | 225 kbps
Label: Self-Released
 Web Page: BC


1. BOOOooom
2. DISastro-3000
3. PossiBLeUniveRSZ
4. VoyaGER1+2CONtribution
5. worMHOLz
6. KatAKosmiK
7. DIMensionALWarp
8. QUantilibriUM
9. prökPSYch
10. BAaang
11. hYPERsphere
12. zOne-1
13. GALaXYofblobs
14. blaCKHOLe3
15. waVE21
16. sUBSpace-1
17. BiGCruNCH


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Beheaded Zombie — Счастье Для Всех (2009)

Beheaded Zombie — Счастье Для Всех (2009)

Band: Beheaded Zombie
Album: Счастье Для Всех
Year: 2009
Genre: Avant-garde Death Metal | Technical Death Metal
Country: Russia (Moscow)
 Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: BadMoodMan Music
 Web Page: VK | BC


1. Интро
2. Обратная Сторона Одиночества
3. Скажи Мне, Друг
4. Счастье Для Всех
5. Черви
6. Черное И Белое
7. Тварь
8. Чистый Лист
9. Дно
10. Война
11. Моя Лирика 



Portal — Swarth (2009)

Portal - Swarth (2009)

Band: Portal
Album: Swarth
Year: 2009
Genre: Technical Death Metal | Avant-garde Death Metal
Country: Australia (Brisbane, Queensland)
 Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Profound Lore Records
 Web Page: FB | BC


1. Swarth
2. Larvae
3. Illoomorpheme
4. The Swayy
5. Writhen
6. Omenknow
7. Werships
8. Marityme 


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Gigan — The Order Of The False Eye (2008)

Gigan - The Order Of The False Eye (2008)

Band: Gigan
Album: The Order Of The False Eye
Year: 2008
Genre: Technical Death Metal | Avant-garde Death Metal
Country: United States (Chicago, Illinois)
Bitrate: 320 kbps
Label: Napalm Records


1. Undead Auditory Emanations
2. Occult Rites Of The Uumpluuy
3. Still Image Symphomy
4. Imprisoned Within Duality
5. Hiding Behind The House Of Mirrors
6. Chrysalis
7. Interstellar Inversion Of Consciousness
8. Space Coffin Hallucinations
9. [untitled]


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Gigan — Footsteps Of Gigan (2007)

Gigan - Footsteps Of Gigan (2007)

Band: Gigan
Album: Footsteps Of Gigan
Year: 2007
Genre: Technical Death Metal | Avant-garde Death Metal
Country: United States (Tampa, Florida)
Bitrate: 320 kbps
Label: Self-Released


1. Footsteps Of Gigan
2. Severed Spider Legs
3. The Oracle Of Orson


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