Existential Dread — Disposition (2018)
Begat The Nephilim — The Surreptitious Prophecy Mother Of Blasphemy (2018)
Band: Begat The Nephilim
Album: The Surreptitious Prophecy Mother Of Blasphemy
Year: 2018
Genre: Blackened Death Metal | Melodic Death Metal | Deathcore
Country: United States (Dover, New Hampshire)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Unholy Anarchy Records
Web Page: FB | BC
1. L’inizio
2. Cardboard Casket
3. Anasazi
4. Drek
5. Perfect Place To Die
6. Fervor For Flesh
7. Mobin
8. Grimoire Of Cryptid
9. Apotheosis Of The Apocalypse, Pt. 1: In The Shadow Of The Nephilim (A Cold Wind Stirs The Midnight Air)
10. Apotheosis Of The Apocalypse, Pt. 2: Dawn Of The Nephilim (A Warm Wind Breathes A New Despair)
Impending Doom — The Sin And Doom Vol. II (2018)
Band: Impending Doom
Album: The Sin And Doom Vol. II
Year: 2018
Genre: Deathcore
Country: United States (Riverside, California)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: eOne
Web Page: FB
1. The Wretched And Godless
2. Burn
3. War Music
5. Paved With Bones
6. The Serpents Tongue
7. Unbroken
8. Devils Den
9. Everything’s Fake
10. Run For Your Live (She Calls)
Obliterate — Impending Death (2018)
Band: Obliterate
Album: Impending Death
Year: 2018
Genre: Deathcore
Country: Canada (Victoriaville, Quebec)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Unique Leader Records
Web Page: FB | BC
1. Impending Death
2. Aneurysm
3. I, Cerberus
4. Numbers
5. Hellhole
6. In Devil’s Cares
7. Death Notice
8. Reconquered
Dog Eats Flesh — Amelioration (2007)
Band: Dog Eats Flesh
Album: Amelioration
Year: 2007
Genre: Deathcore | Death Metal
Country: United States (Bakersfield, California)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 160 kbps
Label: Self-Released
1. Intro
2. Amelioration
3. March
4. Sexual Chocolate
5. Doomsday Device
6. Pighole Insertion
7. Pizza Police
8. The Mistake
9. 6790
Within Destruction — Deathwish (2018)
Band: Within Destruction
Album: Deathwish
Year: 2018
Genre: Slamming Brutal Death Metal | Deathcore
Country: Slovenia (Jesenice)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Rising Nemesis Records
Web Page: FB | BC
1. External Interference
2. D E A T H W I S H
3. False Revelation
4. Extinction
5. Torture Ritual
6. Human Defect
7. Downfall Of Humanity
8. Darkness Swallows Life
9. Self-Hatred
10. Death Awaits Us All
11. HMR45
Nest Of Plagues — End Of The Comedy (2018)
Band: Nest Of Plagues
Album: End Of The Comedy
Year: 2018
Genre: Deathcore | Groove Metal
Country: Hungary (Budapest)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Self-Released
Web Page: FB | BC
1. Intro
2. Dying Ground
3. No One Can Hide
4. Chronophobia
5. Slaves To This Matter
6. Underground Man
7. Descending To Abuse
8. In Blood We Rejoice
9. Red Maiden
10. End Of The Comedy
11. Joy
Goreworm — The Path To Oblivion (2018)
Band: Goreworm
Album: The Path To Oblivion
Year: 2018
Genre: Death Metal | Technical Melodic Death Metal | Deathcore
Country: Canada (Ontario)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Self-Released
Web Page: FB | BC
1. Rest In Piss
2. Wombraider
3. Beneath The Plastic
4. Final Nightmare
5. Family Matters
6. The Path To Oblivion
Nightmarer — Cacophony Of Terror (2018)
Band: Nightmarer
Album: Cacophony Of Terror
Year: 2018
Genre: Death Metal | Technical Death Metal | Deathcore
Country: United States (Tampa, Florida)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Season of Mist
Web Page: FB | BC
1. The Descent
2. Stahwald
3. Skinner
4. Bleach
5. Cave Digger
6. Fetisch
7. Tidal Waves Of Terror
8. Ceremony Of Control
9. Death
10. Swansong