Colosso — Rebirth (2018)
Band: Colosso
Album: Rebirth
Year: 2018
Genre: Progressive Death Metal | Groove Metal
Country: Portugal (Oporto)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Lusitanian Music
Web Page: FB | BC
1. From Nothing…
2. Perennial
3. Rebirth
4. Bleed For All
5. Revoke
6. Soaked In Ashes
7. …to Nothing
8. From Nothing… (instrumental)
9. Perennial (instrumental)
10. Rebirth (instrumental)
11. Bleed For All (instrumental)
12. Revoke (instrumental)
13. Soaked In Ashes (instrumental)
14. …to Nothing (instrumental)
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