Shadow Of Intent — Melancholy (2019)
Band: Shadow Of Intent
Album: Melancholy
Year: 2019
Genre: Deathcore | Symphonic Deathcore
Country: United States (Connecticut / Rhode Island)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Self-Released
Web Page: FB | BC
1. Melancholy
2. Gravesinger
3. Barren and Breathless Macrocosm
4. Underneath A Sullen Moon
5. Oudenophobia
6. Embracing Nocturnal Damnation
7. Dirge of the Void
8. Chthonic Odyssey
9. The Dreaded Mystic Abyss
10. Malediction
Im gonna download this CD to listen this music in my phone when Im out of home. But defnetly im gonna buy this CD physically. Absolutely support for this guys. SUCH A MASTER PIECE.