Записи с меткой ‘Crater’
Crater — Desiccated Animations (2014)
Band: Crater
Album: Desiccated Animations
Year: 2014
Genre: Technical Death Metal
Country: United States (Davenport, Iowa)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Self-Released
Web Page: FB | BC
1. The Knowing And Understanding Of Death
2. Monument
3. Celestial Infinite
4. Collapser
5. Master Butcher
6. Crater
7. Behold
8. Depths
9. Lunar Libration
10. Goatswood
Crater — Mother Unnatural (2017)
Band: Crater
Album: Mother Unnatural
Year: 2017
Genre: Technical Death Metal
Country: United States (Davenport, Iowa)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Self-Released
Web Page: FB | BC
1. The Ill Fated Feature
2. Lazer Beam
3. All Powerful Resonator Of A Gravitational Force
4. Heave
5. Overseer
6. Decay
7. Flying
8. Rejunevate
9. Vereor Nox
10. Elerium Channel