Записи с меткой ‘Disciples Of Power’

Disciples Of Power — Invincible Enemy (1993)

Disciples Of Power — Invincible Enemy (1993)

Band: Disciples Of Power
Album: Invincible Enemy
Year: 1993
Genre: Technical Death Metal
Country: Canada (Medicine Hat, Alberta)
 Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: MindtGash
 Web Page: FB | BC


1. Afterbirth
2. Invincible Enemy
3. Infected by Science
4. Born Unto Death
5. Injecticide
6. Lords of Creation
7. Return from the Gates
8. Before the End 


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Disciples Of Power — Ominous Prophecy (1992)

Disciples Of Power — Ominous Prophecy (1992)

Band: Disciples Of Power
Album: Ominous Prophecy
Year: 1992
Genre: Technical Death Metal
Country: Canada (Medicine Hat, Alberta (early); Edmonton, Alberta (later))
 Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Fringe Product
 Web Page: FB | BC


1. Chains Of Reason
2. Vindicator
3. Nature’s Fury (Betrayed Earth)
4. Witch Of Lies
5. Sleeping Dead
6. The Rising
7. Skull March
8. Eternal Purgatory 


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Disciples Of Power — Powertrap (1989)

Disciples Of Power — Powertrap (1989)

Band: Disciples Of Power
Album: Powertrap
Year: 1989
Genre: Technical Thrash Metal | Technical Death Metal
Country: Canada (Medicine Hat, Alberta (early); Edmonton, Alberta (later))
 Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Fringe Product
 Web Page: FB | BC


1. Shades of Grey
2. Powertrap
3. Ice Demons
4. Slave to No One
5. Protector
6. Night of the Priest
7. Crisis
8. Hidden Worlds
9. Bitch of Doom
10. Disciples of Power 


