Записи с меткой ‘Eyexist’

Eyexist — Celebrated Chaos (2020)

Eyexist — Celebrated Chaos (2020)

Band: Eyexist
Album: Celebrated Chaos
Year: 2020
Genre: Industrial Metal | Progressive Death Metal | Atmospheric Death Metal
Country: Canada (Montréal, Quebec)
 Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Self-Released
 Web Page: FB | BC


1. United
2. The Human Nation
3. Straight into the Dark
4. Together We Fall
5. The Horde of Seos
6. Androids
7. Remnants
8. Celebrated Chaos
9. Through the Wormhole
10. Divided 


Download | Mirror | Mirror

Eyexist — The Digital Holocaust (2016)

Eyexist — The Digital Holocaust (2016)

Band: Eyexist
Album: The Digital Holocaust
Year: 2016
Genre: Technical Death Metal | Symphonic Death Metal
Country: Canada (Montreal, Quebec)
 Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: PRC Music
 Web Page: FB | BC


1. Prelude To Apocalypse
2. The Digital Holocaust
3. Chronicles Of Survival
4. The One Who Meets With God
5. Alone Against The Earth
6. Planar Extinction
7. Inside The Machine
8. Eliminate And Eradicate
9. Domination
10. They Came From Within 


