Записи с меткой ‘Portal’
Portal — Avow (2021)
Portal — Ion (2018)
Band: Portal
Album: Ion
Year: 2018
Genre: Technical Death Metal | Avant-garde Death Metal
Country: Australia (Brisbane, Queensland)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Profound Lore Records
Web Page: FB | BC
1. Nth
3. Husk
4. Phreqs
5. Crone
6. Revault Of Volts
7. Spores
8. Phathom
9. Olde Guarde
Portal — Vexovoid (2013)
Band: Portal
Album: Vexovoid
Year: 2013
Genre: Technical Death Metal | Avant-garde Death Metal
Country: Australia (Brisbane, Queensland)
Bitrate: 320 kbps
Label: Profound Lore Records
1. Kilter
2. The Back Wards
3. Curtain
4. Plasm
5. Awryeon
6. Orbmorphia
7. Oblotten
Portal — Swarth (2009)
Band: Portal
Album: Swarth
Year: 2009
Genre: Technical Death Metal | Avant-garde Death Metal
Country: Australia (Brisbane, Queensland)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Profound Lore Records
Web Page: FB | BC
1. Swarth
2. Larvae
3. Illoomorpheme
4. The Swayy
5. Writhen
6. Omenknow
7. Werships
8. Marityme
Portal — Outre’ (2007)
Band: Portal
Album: Outre’
Year: 2007
Genre: Technical Death Metal | Avant-garde Death Metal
Country: Australia (Brisbane, Queensland)
Bitrate: 320 kbps
Label: Profound Lore Records
1. Moil
2. Abysmill
3. Heirships
4. Omnipotent Crawling Chaos
5. Black Houses
6. Outre’
7. 13 Globes
8. Sourlows
Portal — Seepia (2003)
Band: Portal
Album: Seepia
Year: 2003
Genre: Technical Death Metal | Avant-garde Death Metal
Country: Australia (Brisbane, Queensland)
Bitrate: 320 kbps
Label: Profound Lore Records
1. Glumurphonel
2. Vessel of Balon
3. Tempus Fugit
4. Sunken
5. Atmosblisters
6. Transcending a Mere Multiverse
7. Antiquate
8. The Endmills