Записи с меткой ‘Scumbag’
Scumbag — Homicide Cult (2024)
Band: Scumbag
Album: Homicide Cult
Year: 2024
Genre: Technical Brutal Death Metal
Country: United States (Yonkers, New York)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Sevared Records
Web Page: FB | BC
1. Homicide Cult
2. Beaten to a Pulp
3. Pure Adrenaline Hard-on
4. Heaven’s Gates
5. Unmanaged Mental Illiness
6. Blunt Force Abortion
7. Perverted Benevolence
8. The Meating
9. Disturbed Drowning Death
Scumbag — Blood Drinker (2022)
Band: Scumbag
Album: Blood Drinker
Year: 2022
Genre: Blackened Death Metal | Technical Death Metal
Country: United States (Westchester, New York)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Self-Released
Web Page: BC
1. Tattered Gods
2. Lovelorn Sun
3. Blood Drinker