Записи с меткой ‘Will ‘O’ Wisp’

Will ‘O’ Wisp — Enchiridion (1997)

Will ‘O’ Wisp — Enchiridion (1997)

Band: Will ‘O’ Wisp
Album: Enchiridion
Year: 1997
Genre: Progressive Death Metal
Country: Italy (Rapallo (Genoa), Ligury)
 Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Pick Up Records
 Web Page: FB


1. Circle Of Isis
2. Sailing
3. Through The Signs Of The Gods
4. Osymandias
5. Moon Of Darkness
6. Maat
7. Sokaris
8. Akh
9. Born Again 


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Will ‘O’ Wisp — Mot (2018)

Will 'O' Wisp — Mot (2018)

Band: Will ‘O’ Wisp
Album: Mot
Year: 2018
Genre: Progressive Death Metal
Country: Italy (Rapallo (Genoa), Ligury)
 Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Nadir Music
 Web Page: FB | BC


1. I Am Pestilence
2. Throne Of Mekal
3. The Seven
4. Rephaim
5. Hall Of Dead Kings
6. Banquet Of Eternity
7. Descending To Sheol
8. Those Of The Annihilation
9. Kavod
10. Rain Of Fire
11. MLKM 


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Will ‘O’ Wisp — Inusto (2015)

Will 'O' Wisp - Inusto (2015)

Band: Will ‘O’ Wisp
Album: Inusto
Year: 2015
Genre: Progressive Death Metal
Country: Italy (Rapallo (Genoa), Ligury)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Nadir Music
Web Page: FB


1. Kanchenjunga
2. Flame In Chalice
3. Sacred Signs
4. The Calling One
5. Reveal
6. Burning Of Darkness
7. The Spark Of Life And Death
8. Under The Earth
9. Lower Than The Depths
10. Silvery Realm
11. Path To Shambhala
12. When The East Is Aflame
13. The Beggar
14. Chintamani
15. Treasure Of The Mountains



Will ‘O’ Wisp — Kosmo (2012)

Will 'O' Wisp - Kosmo (2012)

Band: Will ‘O’ Wisp
Album: Kosmo
Year: 2012
Genre: Progressive Death Metal
Country: Italy (Rapallo (Genoa), Ligury)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Nadir Music
Web Page: FB


1. Mrtyu
2. Five Colours
3. Six Forms of Existence
4. Persecutions
5. Choose My Matrix
6. Going Back (My Samsara)
7. Kosmo
8. Om Mani Pad Me Hum
9. A Place of Rebirth
10. Bardo Thodol
11. The Thoroughness of Thought
12. Sutratma-Buddhi



Will ‘O’ Wisp — Unseen (2001)

Will 'O' Wisp - Unseen (2001)

Band: Will ‘O’ Wisp
Album: Unseen
Year: 2001
Genre: Progressive Death Metal
Country: Italy (Rapallo (Genoa), Ligury)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Beyond… Productions
Web Page: FB


1. Night Walking (Une Sombre Chanson)
2. Celestial Bride
3. Nusku
4. Paatah
5. Through The Well
6. Lost In The Sands
7. Samas
8. Eyes
9. Highest Wind


