Записи с меткой ‘2025’

Fleshbore — Painted Paradise (2025)

Fleshbore — Painted Paradise (2025)

Band: Fleshbore
Album: Painted Paradise
Year: 2025
Genre: Technical Death Metal
Country: United States (Indianapolis, Indiana)
 Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Transcending Obscurity Records
 Web Page: FB | BC


1. Setting Sun
2. The World
3. Target Fixation
4. Wandering Twilight
5. Inadequate
6. The Ancient Knowledge
7. Painted Paradise
8. Laplace’s Game 


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Obscura — A Sonication (2025)

Obscura — A Sonication (2025)

Band: Obscura
Album: A Sonication
Year: 2025
Genre: Technical Death Metal | Progressive Death Metal
Country: Germany (Landshut, Bavaria)
 Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Nuclear Blast
 Web Page: FB | BC


1. Silver Linings
2. Evenfall
3. In Solitude
4. The Prolonging
5. Beyond the Seventh Sun
6. Stardust
7. The Sun Eater
8. A Sonication 


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Estuarine — Corporeal Furnace (2025)

Estuarine — Corporeal Furnace (2025)

Band: Estuarine
Album: Corporeal Furnace
Year: 2025
Genre: Progressive Death Metal | Blackened Death Metal | Experimental
Country: International (United States / Sweden)
 Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Self-Released
 Web Page: FB | BC


1. Accidents Of Chance
2. Hematophagous Hunger
3. Royalty
4. 24 Hour Lifespan
5. Cracking The Chrysalis
6. Living Cogs
7. Molded By The Poltergeist
8. Rigid Body Death Lock
9. Parasitic Legions
10. Corporeal Gaiden
11. Scenario A: Conclusion 


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