Записи с меткой ‘Crimson Butchery’
Crimson Butchery — Violence By Design (2024)
Band: Crimson Butchery
Album: Violence By Design
Year: 2024
Genre: Technical Brutal Death Metal
Country: Ireland (Kilkenny)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Self-Released
Web Page: FB | BC
1. Defleshed and Shredded
2. Senseless Brutality
3. Henny and a Plan B
4. Violence by Design
5. Evolution of Malice
6. Sodomized to Insanity
7. Sacrament Excrement
8. Assault on Shermer High
9. Nightmare Blunt Rotation
10. Cleansed in Pestilence (Blade of Elohim) (Morbid Angel cover)
Crimson Butchery — Repulsive Exhibition (2023)
Band: Crimson Butchery
Album: Repulsive Exhibition
Year: 2023
Genre: Technical Death Metal
Country: Ireland (Kilkenny)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Self-Released
Web Page: BC
1. Super Illius Specula
2. Repulsive Exhibition
3. Mors Ontologica
4. Necropolis Abortum
5. Urban Cleansing
6. Regurgitated Genitals
7. Wrath
8. Sermon of Suffering