Записи с меткой ‘Exuvial’

Exuvial — The Hive Mind Chronicles Part I: Parasitica (2024)

Exuvial — The Hive Mind Chronicles Part I: Parasitica (2024)

Band: Exuvial
Album: The Hive Mind Chronicles Part I: Parasitica
Year: 2024
Genre: Technical Death Metal | Progressive Death Metal
Country: United States (Denver, Colorado)
 Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Silent Pendulum Records
 Web Page: FB | BC


1. Hive Mind_ Overture
2. Hive Mind I: Convergent Evolution
3. Hive Mind II: Advent of Segmentation
4. Hive Mind III: Neural Convolution
5. Holometabolous
6. Hypermanipulation
7. Autonomic Awakening
8. Parasitica
9. Subterranean Swarm
10. Requiem for Ruin
11. Necrotic Dissolution 


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